The New Marketer – From T-Shaped to Pi-Shaped
Ashley Friedlein, the CEO of Econsultancy, has a great op-ed in Marketing Week today, Why modern marketers need to be pi-people. That’s “pi” as in the capital Greek letter pi that looks like this: Π. It’s a riff on the label “T-shaped people” that has been popularized in digital marketing over the past few years.…
What Makes a Marketing Technologist – Just Technology?
If there is one thing that struck a very strong chord with me in 2012, it has been the notion of MARKETING TECHNOLOGY and a strong need for MARKETING TECHNOLOGISTS in order to enable Marketing in a Digital World (yes not the same as Digital Marketing). The year of course started with a LOT of…
The Ecommerce Guide to Big Data [Infographic]
“Big Data” has been touted as the next “big thing” in ecommerce. But according to research by Edgell Knowledge Network, only 47% of retailers understand how to apply Big Data to their business. We can expect non-retail ecommerce to be similar.Big Data refers to a large set of data too complex to be handled by…
Investing in Marketing Technology Future – Marketing Technology Office
Originally published by: Forrester on 2011-10-24 13:28:20. Written by Robert Brosnan | Suresh Vittal MARKETING RISKS SUCCUMBING TO TECHNOLOGY SPRAWL To compete in the age of the customer, marketing departments must increase technology investments to facilitate the capture, analysis, and application of customer data. (see endnote 1) The knot of proliferating channels, rapidly evolving behavior,…
The New CRM: Content Relationship Marketing
Advances in technology, particularly mobile, provide companies with expanding platforms to reach their target customers. Smartphones, tablets and desktop computers can extend audience reach, but is the content shared through these vehicles resonating with your intended audience? Is it building and/or maintaining relationships? Does it provide a third-party view of your organization? According to an…
Responsive Design – Great But Not The Holy Grail!!!
Let me start off by saying that this blog is NOT about undermining or questioning the value in a Responsive Design & Approach. In fact am in the middle of two reasonably sized responsive executions with a team of rock stars @ SapientNitro for leading brands and can’t wait to see them go LIVE. I…