Category: Marketing technology

  • Omni-Channel Experiences, Still Far from Reality!!!

    Can you complete let alone win a Formula One race with flat tires? Don’t think I need to answer that question but am sure you’re thinking, what in the world is this guy writing about and what has this got to do with omni-channel experiences. Well, it does because I feel the same way every…

  • The Technology Dilemma – What Fuels your eStore Experience!!!

    What Fuels your eStore Experience!!! If you are a retailer or a brand that is trying to get into the business of selling product(s) online through an online store, you would have either asked or been asked this question a hundred times: Should you use your eCommerce platform to enable your store experience or should…

  • Digital Asset Management – Operations to Innovation!!!

    When the Henry Stewart Events team (organizers of the Digital Asset Management conference across the globe) asked me to speak at the Chicago event, my first reaction was why a conference on DAM and what is there to talk about. But it did not take me long to realize that the answer to the question…

  • Can online video drive sales?

    Can online video drive sales? In a recent conversation with Adam Burns, chief editor @ MeetTheBoss.TV I shared my thoughts on why and how online video is not just a primary engagement touchpoint for brands and consumers but also a fairly significant sales channel that drives both brand equity and sales. Video is unique, the…

  • Globalization – Marketing’s Biggest Challenge?

    Globalization – Marketing’s Biggest Challenge? A great question to ask and I can bet you that 9 out of 10 answers would be around specific technologies and innovation that is happening around us, may be Data or rather “Big Data”, content, mobile and the list can go on. Interestingly though, while technology in general may…

  • Sports, Corruption & The Era of Sports Management Platforms

    After much deliberation, I had to give in and write something that brings my 2 passions in life together – sports & technology. Couldn’t have found a better timing than this, the richest cricket league in the world gets hit by the worst corruption scandal in India, just when a new breed of Sports Management…

  • Balancing marketing technology and IT at a Fortune 500 firm – A Dialogue with Scott Brinker

    Balancing marketing technology and IT at a Fortune 500 firm – A Dialogue with Scott Brinker

    Marketing technology management can look straightforward on paper, when analysts and pundit-bloggers such as myself draw simplified diagrams of new organizational structures with a few quick brushstrokes. But the real work of implementing these organizational changes for “the new marketing” — and the cultural shifts entangled in that mission — especially at a major Fortune…

  • mOS – Marketing Operating System | A Vision Part II

    As the year ends, a lot gets written on what worked and what did not work through the year and more interestingly “predictions” for what’s going to follow. As we kick start our digital & marketing efforts for 2013, a lot of expectations have been set around innovation & expansion of key marketing trends: Big…

  • The New Marketer – From T-Shaped to Pi-Shaped

    The New Marketer – From T-Shaped to Pi-Shaped

    Ashley Friedlein, the CEO of Econsultancy, has a great op-ed in Marketing Week today, Why modern marketers need to be pi-people. That’s “pi” as in the capital Greek letter pi that looks like this: Π. It’s a riff on the label “T-shaped people” that has been popularized in digital marketing over the past few years.…

  • What Makes a Marketing Technologist – Just Technology?

    If there is one thing that struck a very strong chord with me in 2012, it has been the notion of MARKETING TECHNOLOGY and a strong need for MARKETING TECHNOLOGISTS in order to enable Marketing in a Digital World (yes not the same as Digital Marketing). The year of course started with a LOT of…