Category: digital marketing

  • Omni-Channel Experiences, Still Far from Reality!!!

    Can you complete let alone win a Formula One race with flat tires? Don’t think I need to answer that question but am sure you’re thinking, what in the world is this guy writing about and what has this got to do with omni-channel experiences. Well, it does because I feel the same way every…

  • Digital Asset Management – Operations to Innovation!!!

    When the Henry Stewart Events team (organizers of the Digital Asset Management conference across the globe) asked me to speak at the Chicago event, my first reaction was why a conference on DAM and what is there to talk about. But it did not take me long to realize that the answer to the question…

  • Can online video drive sales?

    Can online video drive sales? In a recent conversation with Adam Burns, chief editor @ MeetTheBoss.TV I shared my thoughts on why and how online video is not just a primary engagement touchpoint for brands and consumers but also a fairly significant sales channel that drives both brand equity and sales. Video is unique, the…

  • Globalization – Marketing’s Biggest Challenge?

    Globalization – Marketing’s Biggest Challenge? A great question to ask and I can bet you that 9 out of 10 answers would be around specific technologies and innovation that is happening around us, may be Data or rather “Big Data”, content, mobile and the list can go on. Interestingly though, while technology in general may…

  • Sports, Corruption & The Era of Sports Management Platforms

    After much deliberation, I had to give in and write something that brings my 2 passions in life together – sports & technology. Couldn’t have found a better timing than this, the richest cricket league in the world gets hit by the worst corruption scandal in India, just when a new breed of Sports Management…

  • The New Marketer – From T-Shaped to Pi-Shaped

    The New Marketer – From T-Shaped to Pi-Shaped

    Ashley Friedlein, the CEO of Econsultancy, has a great op-ed in Marketing Week today, Why modern marketers need to be pi-people. That’s “pi” as in the capital Greek letter pi that looks like this: Π. It’s a riff on the label “T-shaped people” that has been popularized in digital marketing over the past few years.…

  • Time for mOS – Marketing Operating System aka iOS? A Vision – Part I

    I have been wanting to write up something on what I expect as the ultimate point for Marketing Automation & Innovation but I just kept procrastinating the work. But last night’s news on Oracle’s acquisition of Eloqua for a good $871 million dollar pushed me to share my dream of using an “mOS” – Marketing…

  • The Ecommerce Guide to Big Data [Infographic]

    The Ecommerce Guide to Big Data [Infographic]

    “Big Data” has been touted as the next “big thing” in ecommerce. But according to research by Edgell Knowledge Network, only 47% of retailers understand how to apply Big Data to their business. We can expect non-retail ecommerce to be similar.Big Data refers to a large set of data too complex to be handled by…

  • Omni-Channel Retail: A Term So Confusing, Even Those Doing it Best Don’t Know What it Means

    In the late 1990’s, I remember attending an e-commerce trade show and laughing with a group of colleagues about rapid rise of the term “CRM”. It was on the tip of everyone’s tongue in the conference sessions, and the exhibit hall was full of solution providers, most of them new, claiming to have the perfect,…

  • Investing in Marketing Technology Future – Marketing Technology Office

    Originally published by: Forrester on 2011-10-24 13:28:20. Written by Robert Brosnan | Suresh Vittal  MARKETING RISKS SUCCUMBING TO TECHNOLOGY SPRAWL To compete in the age of the customer, marketing departments must increase technology investments to facilitate the capture, analysis, and application of customer data. (see endnote 1) The knot of proliferating channels, rapidly evolving behavior,…