Financial Times – Kimberly-Clark competition helps to boost online engagement
View the original interview on ft.com US-based consumer goods company Kimberly-Clark has invested in a number of start-ups in an effort to discover technology that would inspire customers to change their behaviour. In 2013, the maker of consumer household products such as Kleenex tissues, Andrex toilet paper and Huggies nappies set up a digital innovation…
The Technology Dilemma – What Fuels your eStore Experience!!!
What Fuels your eStore Experience!!! If you are a retailer or a brand that is trying to get into the business of selling product(s) online through an online store, you would have either asked or been asked this question a hundred times: Should you use your eCommerce platform to enable your store experience or should…
Can online video drive sales?
Can online video drive sales? In a recent conversation with Adam Burns, chief editor @ MeetTheBoss.TV I shared my thoughts on why and how online video is not just a primary engagement touchpoint for brands and consumers but also a fairly significant sales channel that drives both brand equity and sales. Video is unique, the…
Globalization – Marketing’s Biggest Challenge?
Globalization – Marketing’s Biggest Challenge? A great question to ask and I can bet you that 9 out of 10 answers would be around specific technologies and innovation that is happening around us, may be Data or rather “Big Data”, content, mobile and the list can go on. Interestingly though, while technology in general may…