Can online video drive sales?
Can online video drive sales? In a recent conversation with Adam Burns, chief editor @ MeetTheBoss.TV I shared my thoughts on why and how online video is not just a primary engagement touchpoint for brands and consumers but also a fairly significant sales channel that drives both brand equity and sales. Video is unique, the…
Omni-Channel Retail: A Term So Confusing, Even Those Doing it Best Don’t Know What it Means
In the late 1990’s, I remember attending an e-commerce trade show and laughing with a group of colleagues about rapid rise of the term “CRM”. It was on the tip of everyone’s tongue in the conference sessions, and the exhibit hall was full of solution providers, most of them new, claiming to have the perfect,…
The “Mobile” Impact on Retail | Lowe’s In-Store App Battle With An Experience Assault
May the best experience win. As retailers evolve their strategies for handling the super-informed, smartphone-wielding consumer, the best defense is a good offense. Trying to thwart the new consumer look-up habit with store-only inventory or universal pricing seems to me a defensive response that drips desperation and in some measure, scapegoating. Much like the music…