Tag: econsultancy

  • The New Marketer – From T-Shaped to Pi-Shaped

    The New Marketer – From T-Shaped to Pi-Shaped

    Ashley Friedlein, the CEO of Econsultancy, has a great op-ed in Marketing Week today, Why modern marketers need to be pi-people. That’s “pi” as in the capital Greek letter pi that looks like this: Π. It’s a riff on the label “T-shaped people” that has been popularized in digital marketing over the past few years.…

  • Smartphones Are First Choice For Second Screen

    A clear majority of TV viewers (63%) are consulting a connected device while watching TV, a new IAB/Ipsos MediaCT study shows. But among those “second screeners” the smartphone was the most popular multitasking device among 45% of respondents — the tablet with 30% and the familiar computer with only 21%. The findings are part of…